Appendix 2: Workplace Mentor Tips

42 Chapter 2: Workplace Mentor Tips

2.1 Workplace Mentor Tip

Point to focus on: Eye contact

When you are talking with someone, it is important to show that you are paying attention to what the other person is saying. One way to do this is to make eye contact. Both the listener and the speaker should make eye contact with the other person.

Making eye contact shows that you are interested in what the other person is saying and is often seen as a sign of honesty in a person.

When you are talking to someone, make eye contact with them. Be careful not to stare or make constant eye contact with them because this will make people feel uncomfortable and may be seen as a sign of aggression.

Watch how the employees of CDN Malls make eye contact with each other in their interactions.

2.2 Workplace Mentor Tip

Employee recognition programs

In many workplaces in Canada, employers use recognition programs, such as Employee of the Month, to create a positive working environment and to encourage employees to do their best. Co-workers, and sometimes customers and clients, can

nominate, or suggest, an employee who demonstrates excellent personal management and professional skills to be recognized for his or her excellent work. Employers value the feedback from co-workers, customers, and clients.




2.3 Workplace Mentor Tip

Indirect statements

Depending on the culture of a workplace, some people prefer to use indirect language to avoid conversations that could cause conflict with their co-workers directly. They use strategies to make the language they use more indirect. Some people call these strategies “softening strategies,” because the language they use is “softer.”

Some examples of softening strategies include the following:

Using “we” instead of “you.”

Instead of saying, “You need to find a way to fix the problem,” people say, “We need to find a way to fix the problem.” What they mean is, “You need to find a way to fix the problem.”

Using the indirect pronouns “someone,” “no one,” or “anyone” to avoid naming a person directly.

Instead of saying, “You were not here to help me,” people say, “No one was here to help me.” What they mean is, “You were not here to help me.”

Instead of saying, “You should do this,” people say, “Someone should do this.” What they mean is, “You should do this.”

2.4 Workplace Mentor Tip

Reflection in the workplace

Reflection is examining your own behaviour and actions in a situation. It can also include examining another person’s behaviour and actions.

It is very important to reflect so you can develop and grow. Reflection can help you see your strengths and identify areas for improvement. When you reflect, it is a good idea to first look at strengths, and then look at what needs to be improved. Most companies in Canada appreciate employees who can reflect because it almost always leads to self-development.

Looking at the content of this chapter, the following may be opportunities for reflection for the people involved:

  • Raja, on his attitude and response towards Susan’s approach to including all the employees in her email about being on time.
  • Maria, on
    • how she received and reacted to Susan’s feedback
    • the consequences of her being late from
  • Susan, on how she gave feedback to Maria.


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