Chapter 2: Personal Management

9 Listening

Before you listen

Complete the following to help you prepare for the listening:

  1. In the video, we saw people’s reactions to an email. Read the email that was mentioned in the video and answer the questions below.

a) What do you think the listening will be about?

b) What do you already know about the situation?

Email from Susan Granger


Discuss what the following words and phrases mean. Listen carefully for these words and phrases in the listening activities and think about their meanings.

tile to chat to report something
kiosk to address something an accident waiting to happen
safety cone all of a sudden incident report
maintenance to get in touch with someone

Listening 1

Ray, your Strategy Coach

Complete the following:

Read the questions in the Comprehension section so you have an idea of what the keywords are and what information to listen for. Then listen to Susan and Maria talking about what happened.

After you listen


Answer the following questions:


  1. What are Susan and Maria discussing?

a) How to fill out incident reports

b) An incident that happened in the mall

c) New employees in Maintenance

  1. What department does Maria work in at CDN Malls?

a) Guest Services

b) Security

c) Maintenance

  1. Why is Susan talking to Maria?

a) To find out what happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again

b) To tell Maria she did something wrong and report her

c) To find out why Alex didn’t respond

  1. Who was supposed to be available when Norman tried to contact Maintenance?

a) Alex

b) Susan

c) Maria

  1. Which personal management skills should Maria improve on?

a) Demonstrate a positive attitude and manage time effectively

b) Manage time effectively and work responsibly

c) Be creative and flexible and work responsibly

Sandy, your Workplace Mentor

Indirect statements

When Susan and Maria are talking about the incident that happened at the mall, Susan chooses words and phrases to approach the situation with Maria less directly. What she says is different from what she actually means. Susan uses language as a softening strategy to address the incident without sounding like she is blaming Maria.

Read the sentences from Listening 1 below. Rewrite the sentences. Replace the indirect language with more direct language.


Susan said: Norman was working there, but he couldn’t get in touch with anyone in Maintenance.
Susan meant:


Susan said: It’s important that there’s always someone available to respond to emergencies.
Susan meant:


Susan said: Isn’t your break from 10:00 to 10:15 and Alex’s from 10:30 to 10:45? Norman tried to contact Maintenance at 10:35, but no one responded to the call.
Susan meant:


Susan said: Since Norman couldn’t get in touch with anyone from Maintenance, it took some time to find a maintenance worker to mark the tile as dangerous.
Susan meant:


Susan said: It’s really important to make sure we’re ready to do our jobs when we’re needed.
Susan meant:


Susan said: It would be good if we stuck to our assigned break times so that we’re available when needed, right?
Susan meant:


Susan said: It’s really important for us to avoid problem situations like this in the future.
Susan meant:


  1. Listen to Listening 1 again. Identify the words and phrases you heard in this listening. Talk about what the words and phrases mean. Compare them with the meanings you discussed in the Before you listen section.
tile to chat to report something
kiosk to address something an accident waiting to happen
safety cone all of a sudden incident report
maintenance to get in touch with someone
  1. Use a dictionary to look up the words and phrases you identified above. Write down their meanings. Some words may have more than one meaning. Be careful to select the meaning of the word as it is used in the listening.


  1. Write sentences using the words you wrote meanings for. Talk about your sentences.

Listening 2

Read the questions in the Comprehension section so you have an idea of specific things you need to listen for.

a) Based on the questions, what do you think the listening excerpt will be about?

b) What do you already know about the situation?

Ana works at one of the stores in the mall. Listen to Ana talk about the incident and answer the questions that follow.

After you listen


Answer the following questions:


  1. When did the incident occur?

a)      Saturday the 28th at 10:00

b)      One week ago at 10:15

c)      Saturday the 28th at 10:15

  1. How does Ana know what happened?

a)      One of the people who works at Cellphones Plus told her.

b)      It happened in front of where she was working.

c)      Ahmed from Tech Shop told her.

  1. What does Ana think of Ahmed?

a)      He is clumsy.

b)      He is helpful.

c)      He talks too much.

  1. According to Ana, what should be done to avoid this kind of incident in the future?

a) Someone should call Maintenance.

b) The mall should maintain the floors better.

c) They should not carry out large boxes.

  1. Did the contents of the box break?

a) Yes

b) No

c) We don’t know


  1. Listen to Listening 2 again. Identify the words and phrases you heard. Talk about what the words and phrases mean. Compare them with the meanings you discussed in the Before you listen section.
tile to chat to report something
kiosk to address something an accident waiting to happen
safety cone all of a sudden incident report
maintenance to get in touch with someone
  • Use a dictionary to look up the words and phrases you identified above. Write down their meanings. Some words may have more than one meaning. Be careful to select the meaning of the word or phrase as it is used in the listening.
  1. Write sentences using the words and phrases you wrote the meanings for. Talk about your sentences.


Go back to the questions in the Before you listen section. Think about what you heard in Listening 1 and Listening 2. Discuss the answers to these questions:

  • Did you correctly predict what the listening activities were going to be about?
  • How did reading the questions ahead of time and thinking about what you were going to listen for help you understand?

Listening progress check

Read the comprehension questions on the next page first so you notice what you need to listen for. Then listen to Raja speak with his friend Sam about their workplaces.


Answer the following questions:


  1. What is Raja and Sam’s relationship?

a) Co-workers

b) Supervisor and employee

c) Friends

  1. What are they discussing?

a) The way things are handled at different workplaces

b) The promotion that Sam got

c) How Raja likes his co-workers

  1. What is Sam hoping will happen soon?

a) He will get a new job at a different company.

b) He will get accustomed to the workplace culture.

c) He will get a new position at his company.

  1. What is Raja still getting used to?

a) How problems are addressed

b) How to send emails

c) His co-workers

  1. Which notice to staff do you think fits the workplace culture where Sam works?

a) There was an issue with production last week. Please refer to your training manuals and follow the instructions closely to avoid mistakes in the future.

b) There was a problem with production last week. We will meet on Tuesday at 10:00 m. to discuss the problem and identify possible solutions. Please bring your ideas.

c) There was a problem with production last week. There will be a meeting for all to attend on Tuesday at 10:00 m. The production manager will review the rules for efficient production lines.

  1. What is the best way for Raja to get accustomed to his workplace culture?

a) Ask his boss lots of questions

b) Observe the behaviours of his co-workers and supervisors

c) Ask his friends


Match each of the words or phrases below to its meaning on the right.

Word/phrase Meaning
a) a promotion an event that is usually unpleasant or unkind
b) to be off work choose to stop work permanently after you have had a career
c) to retire not work for a period of time
d) to handle something deal with something; solve an issue
e) incident a more important job in the same company



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