
As an early childhood care and education professional, you are in a unique and powerful position in influencing the lives of children and families. The work you do each day supports children in becoming healthy and happy adults. The way you speak to and speak about children can change the way families understand and support their children.

You are also in a unique and powerful position in understanding the issues that affect many families and children. You see the day-to-day struggles that families face, the barriers that keep children from succeeding to their full potential, and the missteps of policy creation that hold families back. You are an expert on these issues.

Embracing your role as both a “little a” advocate and a “Big A” advocate is an important part of the work you do with children and families. Hopefully, this module has provided you with tools, support, and motivation to continue and expand on this work. You do not have to do this alone. Partner with other ECE professionals in your program or center, connect with associations that support children and families, and find ways in which you can listen to the perspectives of the children and families in your care and invite them to get involved.

Most importantly, remember that your thoughts, experiences, and ideas are valuable, and your voice needs to be heard.

This chapter contains material from Leadership in Early Care and Education by Tammy Marino; Maidie Rosengarden; Sally Gunyon; and Taya Noland. Used under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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Pedagogical Leadership for Early Learning Educators Copyright © 2023 by Claudia Sasse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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