Chapter 2: Personal Management

11 Speaking


Task 1

Listen to the pronunciation of the words and phrases in the audio for Task 1. Repeat the words and phrases to practise.

all of a sudden kiosk personal management to address something
an accident waiting to happen maintenance safety cone to get in touch with someone
can-do attitude nominate solution-oriented to handle something
criteria nomination submitted to report something
effective nominator tile to retire
hard skills optimistically to chat valued
incident report outstanding

Ray, your Strategy Coach

Task 2

Listen to the audio for Task 2. Content words receive more stress or emphasis in a sentence. Pay close attention to the content words in the sentences and how they are stressed. Identify the stressed words as you are listening.

Practise reading along with the audio, stressing the words that the reader stresses.

Excerpt 1:

Manage time effectively
In order for a company to run smoothly and effectively, all members of the team need to work together, follow their set work schedules, and meet deadlines. Demonstrate that you are a responsible and dependable employee by completing your tasks punctually. Arrive on time for work and after breaks. Check with your supervisor if you need to make a change in your schedule, and ensure that your co-workers are aware of any changes.

Excerpt 2:

Demonstrate a positive attitude
Show that you take pride in your job by working with a positive attitude. A positive, can-do attitude shows your employer that you enjoy what you do, and it makes the workplace a more pleasant place to be. Face challenges optimistically and be solution-oriented. Work cooperatively with your co-workers. Positive employees are the kind of employees who employers like to retain.

Speaking practice


Ray, your Strategy Coach

Summarizing is restating information in a shorter way that is more to the point and focuses on the key points. It is not retelling the information exactly as you read it or heard it. It is a useful skill to have when you need to share information or describe something you have learned. Summaries can be done orally or in writing. We will look at oral summaries.

Here is an example of a summary of Excerpt 2 from the pronunciation activity. Compare it to Excerpt 2 on the previous page.

Summary of Excerpt 2: Demonstrate a positive attitude

 It is important to show a positive attitude at work. Employers like to keep employees who are positive about their work, look for solutions to problems, and work well with others.

Complete the following:

  1. Read Article Excerpt A or B. If you are working with a classmate, do not share your article. Read your article carefully.
  2. Identify the main idea and key points in the article.
  3. Put the article away. Summarize the article for a classmate or your instructor in three to five sentences.
  4. If you are working with a classmate, your classmate should ask you three questions about what you summarized. Answer the questions.
  5. Repeat the activity with the other article excerpt.

Article Excerpt A

Keeping your job

 The way you approach your work will help you keep your job. Follow these suggestions:

  • Do your best. Do each task well the first time.
  • Focus on work when you’re at work. Use breaks to check in with your social and personal life. Don’t do this when you should be working.
  • Be a committed part of your work team. Cooperate with others and respect their ideas.
  • Help your co-workers whenever they need help. Do what needs to be done, whether or not it’s “your job.”
  • Ask for help when you need it. This shows you are dedicated to doing things properly.
  • Make every effort to add to a respectful, cooperative working environment. Avoid gossip and negativity.

In a competitive market, employers want to hire and keep workers with an optimistic outlook and a can-do approach. Whether you are researching for work or hoping to keep the job you have, your positive attitude can help you be the person who gets the job. It can also earn you the right kind of attention that will help you keep your job.

From Getting and Keeping the Work you Want. (n.d.). Government of Alberta.

Adapted with permission. For more career-related information, check out

Article Excerpt B

Taking responsibility

  • Taking responsibility for what you do and how you do it shows your employer that you’re reliable and trustworthy.
  • Dress appropriately for the job. Consider the type of work you’re doing, how your co-workers dress, and the company image.
  • Look and act confident. Speak clearly and loudly enough to be heard. Look at people when they speak to you.
  • Use your time appropriately. Be on time for work. Avoid taking extra- long coffee breaks, looking after private business while you’re on the job, or spending too much time socializing.
  • Be productive. Keep your work area neat and clean. Plan ahead and do the most important tasks first. When you’ve finished one task, move on to the next one without waiting to be told. Finish high-priority work first.
  • Let your employer know if you’re going to be late or absent, and use sick leave only when you’re sick.

From Are You Job Smart? (n.d.). Government of Alberta.

Adapted with permission. For more career-related information, check out

Speaking progress check


Read the information in the rubric. It explains what you need to focus on in this activity.

Complete the speaking task on the next page with your instructor or with a classmate, paying attention to the expectations in the rubric.

Chapter 2: Speaking Progress Check
  • Topic: Personal management
  • Task: Summarize an article


Criteria Yes Almost No What can you do better next time?
You started the summary by introducing the article.
Your summary covered the key points.
Your summary was concise and to the point.


Complete the following:

  1. Read the article below.
  2. Select section 1, 2, or 3 to summarize.
  3. Follow the steps for summarizing.
  4. Pay attention to the expectations in the rubric.
  5. Share your summary with your instructor.

Six Ways to Stand Out at Work

At work you want to be noticed for all the right reasons. The most effective way to do this is to show your employer every day that hiring you was a great decision!

To attract positive attention and succeed at work, try some of these practical strategies.

  1. Be reliable and dependable.
  • Show up for every shift you’re scheduled for. Call in or send an email or text message well ahead of time if you must be late or absent. Try to be absent as little as possible.
  • Be on time, whether you’re arriving for work, returning from breaks, going to staff meetings, or completing tasks.
  • Be prepared. Come to work willing to pay attention, follow directions, and do the job.
  • Do what you say you’ll do.
  • Stay organized and keep your work area tidy. This shows your supervisor that you’re in control of what you’re doing.
  • Do your best. Check the quality of your own work.
  1. Be proactive.
  • Take responsibility for what you do. This includes being accountable for any mistakes you make.
  • Learn all you can about the organization and your role.
  • Learn how to do all the tasks that are part of your role.
  • Take initiative. What could you contribute without being asked? Just make sure you’re not stepping on someone else’s toes.
  • Learn a skill that will help you stand out. For example, become the person everyone goes to when they need something proofread or when they need help with a computer program.
  1. Be a team player
  • Take on the task that needs to be done. Team players work effectively with others to achieve common goals, whether or not the task is part of their job description.
  • Jump at the chance to help a co-worker on a project. You’ll learn something new and gain a reputation as a helpful employee, too.
  • Share information and resources.
  • Support and encourage your co-workers.
  • Respect your co-workers’ diversity of opinions and experiences.
  1. Be flexible and adaptable
  • Be aware that you can’t control everything.
  • Be ready and willing to compromise.
  • Be prepared for the unexpected.
  • Keep learning. It will help you handle change.
  1. Be appropriate
  • Work safely. Know the health and safety hazards and regulations in your workplace.
  • Dress appropriately for the work you’ve been hired to do.
  • Be courteous. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  • Ask for help when you need it. Recognizing your limits is a sign of personal strength and maturity.
  • Live up to your values. Be truthful and honest. Maintain your integrity.
  1. Be positive
  • Show respect for yourself and others.
  • Be enthusiastic about your work. Believe in your ability to do the job well.
  • Smile and be friendly.
  • Expect positive results.

Working is about more than simply getting the job done—it’s also about building and keeping a solid reputation and positive relationships in the workplace. Doing your best will help you feel satisfied and fulfilled every day.

When you shine at work, you’re also investing in your future. Your employer will appreciate your efforts, opening the door to advancement or a glowing reference when it’s time for you to move on.


6 Ways to Stand Out at Work. (n.d.). Government of Alberta.

For more career-related information, check out




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